Flowers and Fibonacci?

Can you count the number of petals on this wildflower?

1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9 !

Is 9 an odd number or an even number?

… ODD …

Look carefully at these flowers …

Can you count the number of petals for each?

Did you know? … Most wildflowers have an odd number of petals. For many flowers, the number of petals follows the Fibonacci sequence, a series of numbers for which the next number is determined by adding the two numbers before it.


Can you find the point where the petals begin growing on the flower?


Did you know? … Flowers need as much sunlight as possible. Petals grow outward from a starting point and spread around the flower head in order to maximize exposure to the sun.

Recent studies show that bees understand the difference between odd and even numbers.

Did you know …? Not only can bees tell the difference between odd and even numbers, they also identify the difference between number 0-10. We know bees use colors, shapes, and patterns to identify flowers. Perhaps adding the number of petals allows them to more easily find their food sources?

How many petals do each of these luffa flowers have?



How many horns do I have?


Which of these is not a leaf?