Organic Luffa Gourd Seeds (Pack of 50)


Luffa gourds require 200 or more frost-free days before harvest. These vines require lots of space and grow best on a trellis where they have plenty of room to spread. Once harvested, the husks are peeled to reveal a luffa gourd that can be used for skin-healthy, all-natural exfoliation. Harvested green, young luffas can also be added to soups or stir-fries for a delicious vegetable edible.

Your purchase includes 50 seeds grown organically.

Free first-class shipping in the continental United States. Please note that seeds may take 2-4 weeks for delivery. They are mailed in regular envelopes with first-class stamps, therefore they will not include a tracking number. We ship this way to keep our prices as low as possible, and so that we can continue to offer free shipping.

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